Marriage therapist and counselor helping couples and families build strong relationship foundations for healthier, more productive lives. 20 + years of pastoral and clinical counseling. Certified as an Integrative Marriage Intensive Therapist with Focus on the Family. Licensed professional counselor and minister. Certified with Prepare & Enrich. If you would like to find how Foundations Counseling can help you in your marriage or for you personally click here.
Jonathan was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. Currently working at Focus on the Family, and McGuire Christian Counseling. Jonathan is a licensed minister and served as a worship leader and pastoral care minister for many years in churches in Missouri and Massachusetts.
"Jonathan was wonderful. His care for us was obvious and he was very thoughtful in his responses and questions."
"Jonathan did an outstanding job providing sensitivity, leadership and care. He had tremendous insight and helped bring a genuine safety to all of us."
"Jonathan wades through things so calmly (powerful). He helped my wife focus and get her 'unstuck'. He worked in tandem with the Holy Spirit. Real break-through for us. Praise God the Most High."
"Jonathan's affirmation of us as children of God helped in healing my heart and reminding me of who I am! His knowledge and guidance is a gift to all receiving his counsel. I'm extremely grateful."
"Jonathan's soft-spoken tone put you at ease. He gave analogies and insights that were understandable and easy to remember. Appreciated the funny stories."
"Jonathan connected as well with the men as the women, and I was not expecting that. His humor is an asset, as is his heart for ministry, thanks to visible spiritual maturity."
"Jonathan was incredible. The softness of his voice and his attention to detail enabled us to uncover traumas in our past in a safe and supportive environment."
Jonathan DiStaulo, MA, LPC
Non-Profit professional with over 20 years of clinical/pastoral ministry experience in large, multi-staff church settings and mental health offices. Relationally smart and approachable. Licensed in the State of Missouri
These programs are all inclusive, extended periods of counseling over multiple days. This intensive approach allows our team of marriage counselors to work with you to get to the root of the problem. Click here for more information
Provide individual, family or couples counseling. Managing a caseload of clients from 40-50 sessions per month. Office and telehealth sessions offered. Clients ages range from children (5 years old) to adults (adults in their 70s and 80s).
Lead weekly worship services for a congregation of 600+ people. Multi-staff oversight and multi-budget oversight. Lead membership classes. Visited shut-ins, made hospital visits, officiated funerals and weddings.
Responding to the spiritual and logistical needs of a 400+ congregation. Provided pre- marriage counseling and couples counseling. Envisioned and executed sound and media upgrades, as well as a cry room and guest assimilation facilities.
Elevated to this opportunity from case management to in-home therapist.
Dual Major – Marriage & Family Therapy/Professional Counselor
Living Right in a World Gone Wrong
Christendom is over. Christianity is not. You would do well to know the difference. I may not be able to offer you solid quantifiable evidence to support my claim but have you seen the story-lines in the world news lately? How about the our current political scene? The very ideas that helped shape historical and modern American society and culture have been turned upside down. [Read More]
Looking for more specific help? Reach out to me for information about speaking, counseling or event opportunities.
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Jonathan DiStaulo | Written August 2016
Christendom is over. Christianity is not. You would do well to know the difference. (read more about this from Mike McDaniel's book "ResUrgent Church") I may not be able to offer you solid quantifiable evidence to support my claim but have you seen the story-lines in the world news lately? How about the our current political scene? The very ideas that helped shape historical and modern American society and culture have been turned upside down. Andy Stanley wrote an article titled "Why 'the Bible said so' is no longer enough," which as far as attention-grabbing titles go, certainly grabbed mine. Very interesting read. Here's my rhetorical question: "Do you feel your Christian beliefs and values are still welcomed at the local public school meetings, or town hall hearings?" If not, then I think you understand what this article is about. It might also be helpful to be reminded of what Jesus said "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake." (Matt 5:10 ESV)
Let me suggest a harmless experiment; chat with your neighbor (or co-worker) about a church event, like a service or meeting, and see if they actually understand what you're talking about. Here's the catch, your neighbor or co-worker has to be under the age of 35. Is the Christendom vs. Christianity reality becoming even more clear to you now?
Perhaps this is a good thing. Being marginalized for your faith in Christ is precisely the kind of experience the New Testament church thrived in.
So how does one live right, or righteously, in a world that is increasingly hostile towards the Gospel? A passage from Colossians comes to mind: "So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing." Col 3:12-15 MSG
Notice the absence of phrases like, "Stand up for yourself!" and "Don't let others take advantage of you!" in this passage. Reread it if need be. It may be helpful to share some insight from the world of business law to further flesh out what this passage is going on about. In business law we learn that contracts are for the protecting of individual rights. When two parties enter into an agreement of some kind each party protects themselves against loss or suits, should the agreement dissolve somehow. Some Christians (most likely nominal ones) live their life, or interact with the world around them, as though they have entered into a contract. The Scripture teaches us something very different. God chooses to enter into a covenant with us, and covenants are for the surrendering of individual rights. Contracts protect rights, covenants surrender rights. Contracts vs. Covenants. Kind of like Christendom vs. Christianity don't you think? Christians have entered into a divine covenant initiated by God. He alone has the right to demand perfection, righteous living, sinlessness, but He doesn't. He gives up that right for love. He sent His Son to pay the price for such a covenant to remain intact for eternity.
So when you step outside your door and into this topsy turvy world, put on the garments God made for you: compassion, kindness, humility, may not see the results you want but your job is to obey. The battle doesn't need to be fought the battle has already been won. Give God's Word more "room" in your house. When you live out the Gospel you are more likely to be reminded of your covenant with God, His forgiveness of your sin, rather then what's wrong with your unruly neighbor, or anti-faith co-worker.
Looking for more specific help? Reach out to me for information about speaking, counseling or event opportunities.